Saturday, November 15, 2008

Greetings from Exile

After "taking it easy" for 5 months the source of pain has now been diagnosed as my hips. Seems I have retro-something or other hips--my hips are pointing towards my ass and have been since I was a wee fetus. Why wasn't this detected years and years ago? I don't know. It would certainly saved me time and energy I don't want to waste right now. In all likelihood I will have surgery in a few months and then begin rehab. I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I'm happy t know the source of the pain. On the other, I'm frustrated this wasn't diagnosed months ago and even more time will be wasted not training. When I finally return to the martial arts I will be back to square one. Posting will still, regrettably, be sparse. It seems I am gonna have to re-evaluate a great many things.

Side-note: the good doctor said that pain as a result of sitting was a strong indicator that I had hip problems.

Other side-note: Upon being told told my hips pointed backwards "This explains why I was a shitty soccer player in high school!"