Monday, October 15, 2007

On the tournament

I got my ass handed to me again. I'm just going to have to work more often at BJJ to develop competency. The good news is I walked away with no cuts, bruises, sprains, etc.

At the gym today, in fact, as I was preparing to do some chest work on a stability ball, someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and the guy looks like a middleweight/lightheavy weight. Asks me my name and if I was at the tourney this weekend. We had a nice discussion about training, etc. He told me about another dojo, in town that does ju-jitsu (One kind specifically?? not sure) . That offer more training times. He also mentioned that his sensai was interested in training teachers. I'm seriously considering checking it out; I don't have any plans on switching, but if I can get more drill time, more roll time, more input, I might sign up. I might have to drop kick boxing for the time being though :/

Ah, to be an obsessive personality working through a trauma.

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