Tuesday, December 4, 2007

)(*@#$!$* Teenagers

The one night I forgot my mouthguard, was the one night some teenager goes nuts and..I don't know exactly what he did, but it involved trying to smush my mouth with his forearms. I don't know if the kid is frustrated because he can't put me away (I'm much smaller than him) or if he has unresolved issues, either way the idea of ju-jitsu as the "gentle art" seems to escape him.

This is training in a dojo, not a streetfight, you leave a guy's face alone, it's just common courtesy. I 'd like to see him try that shit with one of the bigger guys--I was ready to clock him! But I didn't. I kept my cool. Anyway I'm sure I'd come out lookin' the bad guy: being older, etc. But geez!

We practice passing the guard last night, so at least practice was productive.

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