Monday, February 18, 2008

Long Time No See

I'm happy to report to my army of none, that I'm not dead, allow me to bring you up to speed.

1. I'm studying for the GRE
2. I'm applying to grad programs in Creative Writing
3. My dog has had several haircuts
4. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my girlfriend.
5. I'm trying to drastically overhaul the way I do conditioning work
6. Food Poisoning whupped my ass
7. The Writer's Strike is over (hooray!)

The following have not changed:
1. I'm STILL a white belt in all disciplines
2. I still attend martial arts classes with near obsessive devotion
3. I'm still haunted by the trauma
4. George W. Bush is still a petulant mongoloid fuck
5. No one reads this blog but me

Will try to get back in the once a day habit, and maybe even expand on some of the changes in the former list...but don't count on it.

1 comment:

The Survivor said...

I found you through Survivor of Rape and Incest.

I'm reading, going through the archives. My survivor blog is pretty lame, it's that damn anonymity that's such a PITA.

Just wanted you to know someone's reading.