Monday, September 22, 2008

A brief state of the body

Pain. My quads have gone nuclear. They are the real source of the pain, not the knees themselves. Sitting upright serves to aggravate them; hence, sparse blogging. Will resume regular blogging duties when normalcy returns--or a painless approximation of it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tomcat in Love

This is a really good book. I'm glad I read it. That's all I really wanted to say, well that, and I met Tim O'Brien years ago. He is quite the bar fly.

Battle of the tendons...and swimming!

I'll say this for Ben Gay. Sure it has a ridiculously anachronistic name loaded with menthol charged gay jokes, and it doesn't have the cache' of Mr. Fancy Pants Ibuprofen Cream with its 'scrip only allure; but I can tell when it's working. As soon as it makes skin contact you know Ben Gay is going for that deep penetrating action (sorry, couldn't resist). Ibuprofen cream just makes your knees shiny for hours, I'm not sure how much of the stuff is well and truly absorbed by the body. Hmph.

There was more swimming today. I did a 20 min time trial (850 Meters? I lost count more than once!). I've found a lot of good swimming routines off of I hate the fact I'm confined to a chlorine box, but at least the routines are varied and interesting, lots of short burst speed/sprinting work peppered with time trials, tabatas, and the occasional long distance work. (I wish I knew how to go about doing a tabata in a pool. How am I supposed to time myself? Get an underwater time piece that vibrates during intervals??) If you've ever wanted to incorporate swimming into your training/workout regimen then check the site out---also has programs for bikes, running, C2 rowers.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The coming crisis

I've been feeling a bit depressed, all the body stuff is finally getting to me. Oh, and my girlfriend dreams of getting married, and I don't want any part of it.

I don't know when she decided this; I'm not even sure I remember when she started talking about it, but I feel tricked, like we agreed we had no taste for marriage, and then bam! she's a convert. She isn't putting pressure on me to get married, but that day will come, and it's got me down in a big way--that and the tendinitis.

Ah yes, my tendinitis. My taunting stand-in conscience with the maturity of a third grade bully, and all the grace of a fickle thirteen year old girl, toying with the affections of the lovestruck and luckless.

Feel free to shoot me if I stray into emo territory.

I am physically and spiritually confined, bound in taunts, weighted down with machine guns and wedding rings.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Sitting still? that hurts most of all.