Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The coming crisis

I've been feeling a bit depressed, all the body stuff is finally getting to me. Oh, and my girlfriend dreams of getting married, and I don't want any part of it.

I don't know when she decided this; I'm not even sure I remember when she started talking about it, but I feel tricked, like we agreed we had no taste for marriage, and then bam! she's a convert. She isn't putting pressure on me to get married, but that day will come, and it's got me down in a big way--that and the tendinitis.

Ah yes, my tendinitis. My taunting stand-in conscience with the maturity of a third grade bully, and all the grace of a fickle thirteen year old girl, toying with the affections of the lovestruck and luckless.

Feel free to shoot me if I stray into emo territory.

I am physically and spiritually confined, bound in taunts, weighted down with machine guns and wedding rings.

1 comment:

Jae Jagger said...

What don't you like about marriage? I'm just curious.