Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A sense of impending doom

I just can't shake the feeling Girlfriend is going to leave me. We were talking on the phone. I told her I was willing to make the sacrifice; move with her to the great unknown when she finished her thesis and got a publishing job (I just can't live in the scene of the crime, there's nothing for me regardless). She did not take this well; in fact, anything other than "that's great!" would have signaled Big Trouble in Little China (why does saying that make me feel like Balky from Perfect Strangers??). She huffed and puffed and was quite confusing.

In our next conversation she said she wanted a slower transition. Same city; different doors. Nearly a year ago, the roles were reversed. She took my remark as a betrayal. It was months before she forgave me. I have not pointed out this hypocrisy. I should and will. Still, I understand why she would want the space, but it's clear to me she didn't--and doesn't?--understand why I wanted the space. It's the emotional burden. It's one thing to live with a loved one, another entirely when that loved one reminds you, through no fault of their own, of the rape and torture you suffered--together--at the hands of a couple of cruel, ignorant bastards.

Our relationship has become a game of cat and mouse, can we put an end to this before it descends into Tom and Jerry parody?

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