Monday, March 2, 2009

About that Cold

It wasn't the cold that did me in the following Monday, rather this mighty equation
(Maximun Strength Mucinex + Endorush)x Empty Stomach = Barf

And has been recorded before, I think, Radar detests the sound of me puking. I rushed home from Judo, as soon as I started he ran to Mom
s room and jumped on a pillow. Later, as I was puking in the kitchen sink, I could hear him barking his rebuke from my room. As far as barfing fits go this one was kinda tame. I puled mostly water. There was a a sensation of a demon buried deep with the trans-realities of the mystical digestive gradient swirling at the epicenter of the uber-tummy*

That wasn't as thrilling as the next equation.
(((Barf+Suppository){raised to Indignity Squared})X babykicker fit+papi fit+mom fit/Alien V Predator: Requiem)))-4 am Gatorade= Passed out for most of Tuesday

Really, why write at all when you can construct sloppy short hand equations with excessive verbiage?? Oh, by the way, that demon was brown.

*My Grant Morrison impression

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