Monday, March 24, 2008

GRE is the suck

Wellllllllllllll I took the GRE friday. I think my score is something of a mixed bah. 580 verbal 410 Quantitative. IF I had just one more week to study. I think I could have pulled the math score up a bit.

The only thing that is keeping me from repeating the test are my analytical writing scores. I won't know what they are for another two to four weeks. *I* thought I did pretty damn well on that section. Hell, I should being an english major and whatnot. I even got lucky. The one issue prompt I used to practice was a choice on the test. Naturally, that's the one I chose, and I had enough time leftover to make revisions to both essays. I'd like to say that I got a perfect score, but I fear jinxing myself. Since I'll be scored by human graders a subjective element is introduced to the process. There is a tiny part of me that fears I bombed them, but I keep that in check. I simply did too many things right. Aside from what I mentioned I managed to work "mawkish" and "specious" into each essay respectively. (In fact, it's pretty easy to use any ten cent words for lying or misleading on the argumentative essay) Suffice to say, if my writing scores are bad I will take the test over. If they are mediocre I will take the test over. If they are great---hmm---I dunno that's the one I'll have to ponder.

BTW My girlfriend scored a 780 on the Verbal five years ago. Can you believe that? Not only is that score beyond ivy league requirements it means she missed one question on the entire section! two tops!

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