Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I hate tests--not just standardized scams like the GRE. I'm talking about emotional tests. There are times it seems like my gf is constantly testing me. If she says no I'm supposed to know when she means yes and act accordingly protecting herself with the caveat that I'm supposed to want to do whatever it is that blah blah blah.

Right now I feel like she's testing me in a major way. I've noticed she hasn't said "I love you" at the end of our last few phone conversations. I'm starting to wonder if I'm being tested, that she wants me to say it first or notice or mean it or some other such bullshit. If this sort of behavior hadn't been the norm I'd write it off as paranoia, but it isn't. And the thought that she may have turned the phrase "I love you" into a test really pisses me off. I'm sick and tired of being tested, and feeling that my loyalty is in question, that my ability to support her is in question--how much emotional support has she been able to offer me through this ordeal?--everything is always in question.

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