Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crash Burn Slide

Last week of this 8 am death march. That's what I've been like, a stupid sucker on a death march in a trail of tears that is --well, it's a trail of tears for christ's sake.

Actually, tomorrow is the end of this terrible violent cycle of violent intellectual molestation. They can have thursday to work on their paper. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Funny enough I've got a back log of material, I just haven't had the patience and brain power to hammer out some edits. Good lord, you know I have material from over a year ago I haven't revised at all? Yikes! My head is going light n' wacky (don't ask me what that means I'm not entirely sure) Will lay down for a few minutes before going to the dojo.

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