Thursday, July 10, 2008

A quick word on a Major Victory

I can't say I believe in closure; I can't say I've ever experienced closure, but yesterday was a victory--a Major Victory--for both me and Girlfriend, one that has nothing to do with jujitsu technique. I've alluded obliquely to civil hearings on this blog. I don't want to say too much at the moment because I signed a confidentiality agreement, and anonymous or not, should honor the agreement in good faith. Until I figure out where "the line" is, I'll just say this.

The perps are still out there, but yesterday a specific entity learned the value (we hope) of real security versus the illusion of security.

I need to talk to my lawyer before saying anything else, and I've got reading (Faust) to do.
To quote Scott Hall, "survey says, score one for the good guys" (insert smirk here, throw toothpick at camera).

1 comment:

The Survivor said...

Happy to hear something positive happened. I hope you'll be able to share a bit more one day.

Take care