Monday, January 12, 2009

The Devil and ....

Watched the doc. The Devil and Daniel Johnston. Despite above average direction, I was bored then moved to annoyance by the subject. Was it the music, which struck me as over-rated (though the song for the closing credits was good) or the way every one seem to fawn over his genius AND his madness, save for his parents and one other friend. I was unimpressed by this confirmation of mythic stature. Then again, I find right wing fundamentalistchristian crazy to be a particularly noxious and annoying form of crazy (Granted, you can't choose your psychosis--I think).

Was this me dismissing someone's suffering based on weakness and fear (The SVU effect)? I don't think so. There was a layer the doc failed to pierce; it only touched on the depths of his madness. Then again, explaining madness is like trying to measure the emotional impact of the Holocaust: elusive and dense.

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