Monday, January 5, 2009

Meanwhile, at the dojo...

A brown belt has been coming from upstate to train with us once a week, partially due to a needlessly complicated scuffle with the Fabulous Machados. Regardless of the political landscape, he's a good teacher, and has proven himself quite adept at tailoring criticism and advice to the different needs of his students. He showed us an escape from side control that's perfect for MMA fighters like college boy, while showing me a few tricks to finishing arm bars particularly pertinent because of the size differential I have to cope with. He's mentioned being an english major, and his language is precise and to the point, but descriptive when it needs to be. Perfect for a verbal/visual learner such as yours truly. I look forward to training with him.

Sidenote: due to the holiday season our judo brown belt has been MIA I'm hoping I can officially restart my judo training tonight.

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