Sunday, January 11, 2009

Uh Oh Spaghetti Os

Seems I don't have any classes for this semester. Partly, er, mostly my fault for waiting until December to turn in the pref form after I'd stated I might not be able to teach. Then again, I don't remember ever SEEING an email about the pref forms in the first place. Best not to dwell on it though there are still a couple ways for this to play out in my favor. There are always last min changes the first day, so a class or two may fall into my lap. Also, there's still a chance I'll secure 10 week sections. Other than that, I'm fucked for the next few months. I need to come up with a way to generate income. Fun fun fun in the worst economy since The Great Depression but don't blame the free market, it can never fail only be failed.

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