Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hangovers without the fun

Every once in a while, which is far too often, I wake up with a nasty headache, each it's own little snowflake. This once was shaped like a sledgehammer driving a large nail into the left side of the temple. Considering I don't smoke and rarely drink--and never to get drunk--where do these vicious pseudo-hangovers come from?

Ice cream cake.

Watch out world, Coldstone makes a delicious frosty treat but they don't tell you about the slow burning brain freeze which crawls across the grooves of your brain like a careful tarantula and then it bites



Jerry Critter said...

I have a grandson that works at Cold Stone. Since starting there, he has become the official birthday cake provider for the family.

I agree. They are delicious.

TigrMchine said...

My only complaint about Coldstone is the singing. When they break out into a "melody" it makes me want to never ever tip them :)