Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For one night, King of the White Belts?

We ran the gauntlet last night in bjj. Two groups split by age. I'm sure I've mentioned how the gauntlet works before, buuuuuuutttt just in case:

one man in the center, everyone else circles around. He goes 1 or 2 minutes with each person. Then a new guy steps in, wash, rinse, repeat.

This particular gauntlet was 2 minute rounds. Center guy starts from a mounted position. In other words, he is underneath the mount. It was hard to judge round lengths because we added a rule about switching guys if there was a tap, so each guy spent approximately 8 min inside, and 8 min outside, give or take an extra roll or two. I managed to submit all the other white belts at least once. And only got submitted by College Boy, Mr. Brown (as in brown belt), and a very strong teen who caught me in an armbar (need to be wiser in my choice of escape tactics for armbar).

I was tired, but it felt good scoring some wins, and not having my ass kicked EVERY SINGLE TIME I rolled.

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