I will be elated when the BJJ class becomes a true Gui BJJ class, and not merely an opportunity for high school wrestlers to throw me around, content to pummel me with their superior stamina and knowledge of strength based grappling. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is good to mix things up. Its good for BJJ practitioners to get a taste of Greco-Roman and Freestyle wrestling, but we’re not being instructed in classical wrestling so its really frustrating when we start to spar and those wrestling fucks chuck the stuff we learned out the window and wale on me. Wrestling sparring is like a sprint or trying to run a fast mile. Your conditioning has to be tip top. Although mine is certainly above average, I got a painful lesson last night in how wanting it is. How wanting? About 15 oz of vomit wanting. And the worst part about that was I couldn’t do it in the dojo where there was a bathroom, nooooooooo. My body waited until I was on the road, in what felt like the longest ten minute drive in the history of ever. I was light headed. I was exhausted. When I got home I lay prone in the bathtub while the shower blasted a stream of water that beat my chest like some kind of machine gun percussion instrument.
Twelve minutes. That’s the time total I did sparring drills. I had breaks for christ’s sake! I am wracking my brain trying to figure out how to get my body into proper shape for the Martial Arts and now I’ve got to work on conditioning on top of everything else. I have patella femoral syndrome (knee problems) I don’t even know if I can run a hard mile safely! Fuck fuck fuck!!!
I need short burst, intense cardiovascular training. I need power. I need skill, flexibility, and the knowledge to facilitate these things, and kids I am scrounging for it.
Don’t mean to whine. It’s just frustrating. I have an easier time being out skilled than I do being beaten by poor cardio. The first is external, the latter is internal.
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