Saturday, August 18, 2007

Re: Benoit

I was very nervous about the Benoit column. Would anyone like it? Would anyone sympathize? Would there be trolls? Would anyone who read it even bother to respond? The answers to all of those questions has been a resounding yes. Heck, this place is starting to look like a real blog.

I hope one day we have all the answers to the case, but it seems unlikely. At one point, Chris Newinski (sp?) , who has become an expert on concussions, petitioned for a gander at Benoit's grey matter. I don't know if he got the chance; i believe the body has been cremated.

Its easy to play armchair detective in this case. There are a dizzying variety of clues, red herrings, puzzling symbols, and half-truths. But if I were a betting man I'd call this death by a thousand cuts or even insanity by a thousand cuts. In other words I don't think it was steroids in and of themselves but steroids plus concussions plus the stress of constant little injuries plus the grueling travel schedule plus et cetera et cetera.

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