I related a story of my own. It happened, I believe, before zero hour, but I’m not sure. I was reading The Lucifer Effect by Dr. Zimbardo, the man responsible for the Stanford Prison Experiment. The book uses the SPE as a springboard into the nature of evil and authoritarianism as an expression of evil. I began the book before zero hour and was determined to finish it even after that horrible night. In the background I had the television on. Food Network was running one of their big challenges. The contestants were making cakes, HUGE cakes celebrating the glory that was Food Network, the golden calf of a certain kind of foodie and lovers of food porn everywhere. As in most Food Network competitions, the participants had to move their cakes from their respective kitchens to the display table. One group simply couldn’t move it, the mammoth cake was simply too much. They struggled and struggled; they got nowhere. They were on the verge of being disqualified. Out of nowhere one of the participants from an opposing group came over to help, then another participant, and so on and so on. It took everyone, at least six people to move this cake; but they moved it, and the live audience cheered.
Goodness comes in small doses, unexpected places, the gaps.
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