Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Reluctant for Obama

I was rooting for Edwards to win, so while I've observed the primaries intensely, I've done it dispassionately. I'll tell you what though, I'd much rather Obama win than Hilary. I view her as a calculating opportunistic politician, granted in politics you need those characteristics to some degree, but not only does she have an overabundance of those qualities, as of late she's demonstrated herself to be a piss poor cold calculating opportunistic politician. Forget about the Iraq War vote and the fact that her Iran votes have demonstrated a total lack, I believe the word is "learning" she is trying to run a 10 state strategy in the newly emerging era of the 50 state strategy. Its allowed Obama to stay a step ahead of her. And don't get me started on her increasingly negative attacks. If the reports of her cobbling together a swift-boat style 527 are true, then she doesn't derserve to be the nominee. She would rather smash the democratic party and ruin the left's chances at the 2008 elections than--as they say in pro-wrestling--do business the right way.

That's all for now, I've got to get ready for practice.

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