Monday, February 18, 2008

Since I have a little time...

Things are very bad between me and the girlfriend. She has talked about breaking up. I'm not sure what to do or how to help. The best I've been able to muster is that she needs to see a shrink and that I'll even do couples counseling if she thinks it will help. She tried to get pissy with me at that suggestion, "I asked about that years ago and you didn't wanna do it!" "Of course I didn't wanna do it, there was no need, nor were we struggling with a violent sexual trauma shared by the both of us" I didn't say that exactly but it put the kibosh on the accusation before things got ugly.

Ugly at this point is relative. Nothing I say appeases her. Nothing I do seems to assuage her fears. There is a great big list of symptoms that victims of sexual assault may suffer. With her it is mood swings. She had them before the trauma, but now they are exponentially worse. I don't know if I am emotionally equipped to weather them.

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