Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Accidental Headbutt

Ow. Seriously. Ow.

We did this gauntlet drill in bjj last night. One man in the center, six outside. The center man would go a minute with each person (6 min total). The outsiders would try to pass his guard and the center man was looking for a sweep. I was first in the center. Didn't pull a single sweep off (but I'm not sure if anyone actually got a sweep), and I didn't get passed all that often. At some point I was grappling with Sifu, and damn if I didn't eat a big ol' skull under my chin. IT hurt like hell, didn't sound too pleasant either, but for once I had my mouth guard in when hit, so I didn't lose any teeth. A valuable lesson was learned: I don't have a glass jaw. That's a good thing to know before stepping into a cage.

Today my neck is sore, really really sore. Having never taken a shot under the chin before, I can't say with certainty that it was---oh fuck it, there is no way it wasn't caused by the headbutt. My brains nearly popped out my skull. Always wear your mouthguard kids.

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