Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fuck Abstinence Ed.

Abstinence Ed is a bad idea. It doesn't work. It's been proven again and again not to work, but still it persists. As the country begins a long swing to the left, I hope the damned thing will be taken to the shed. Until then, I've tried not to let it get to me, but this article really pisses me off.

RAINN is one of those websites I was talking about earlier. They help victims of rape and abuse, but might as well say women only. Again, that's the vibe most survivor outfits send. Nevertheless, they deserve a million dollar grant a hell of a lot more than a ridiculous D.C. outfit dedicated to abstinence ed. To paraphrase one of the commenters, they prolly have a zero percent dropout rate because they kick 'em out!

It disgusts me that an organization dedicated to helping survivors would be summarily dismissed in favor of what? Trying to score a few points with the radical religious right? a blowjob? Any administration will have a little nepotism, and I know how politics is played, but god damn!

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