Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Episode is about raped retarded girl. The mother reports gives static won't let Wong test her comprehension. My hatred of the old woman is instant. At least the show is characterizing her as overprotective. Another sentiment I'd never thought I'd articulate.

I want to reach into the show and kick the woman in the head.

Stabler is doing his interview thing.
He is interviewing other retarded folks (PC aside, I'm using retarded for expediency)

oh my god I'm living blog SVU, wtf??

It's the bus driver! That evil lech!
Eew. the more I think about retard sex...forget it,

At the park with crazy mom.

Does the girl understand the concept of no?
I don't blame the girl.
OK I'm gonna stop this.

They got the girl to talk, she cried, mom freaked.
Ok THIS time, I'm stopping

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