Monday, May 5, 2008

babykickers r us

My sister was attacked by her boyfriend again, that's number three if you're keeping score. In the history of time, I can't imagine a less sympathetic assault victim.

She called my mother at 3:30 on a saturday morning, asking her to call 911 because her boyfriend was driving around with her pot. Huh???? As usual I'm short on details, but at some point he threw her against a wall. My mother went to their apartment and the cops were there, called by the neighbors. My father freaked out, upset that mom didn't take him. (he would have been a liability in the situation) . Of course, she ends up back here.

Sister was up till around 6 am yammering on the phone LOUDLY, with her boyfriend. I'm already finding it hard not to kick her in the head.

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