Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tournament of the Weird 2

I don't even know where to begin. Here's a breakdown

No-gi 150 and under: Apparently I was the only one in the room who didn't realize I had my opponent in guillotine dead to rights. Sifu had told us just Wednesday to push our butts out before sitting back, I didn't think I had done that, plus I didn't have him in full guard. Had I gotten back to full and leaned back I'd have won, even my opponent said he was seeing stars and didn't think he'd make it out.

Gi 150: Blech. This one was double elimination and I got double eliminated, and my ass doubly handed to me--that's four ass cheeks total. First by the guy who won the no-gi, then by his lanky teammate--the lanky ones seem to be especially problematic for me. Only thing of real note here is the former guy had this really weird game face in the stand up portion. I'm convinced he, in fact, IS Robert DeNiro. I kept waiting for him to say "you talkin to me?"

Masters (30-39) Novice 175 and Under: There was only me, so I fought an Executive (40 yrs) who weighed 190. If I insist he had the weight advantage, he'd insist I had the age advantage. I have no idea how you'd weigh those, but my conditioning was better, and damnit if I could have gotten to 6 min I could have ridden him till he gassed, but it didn't happen that way. The official time was 4:38 and it was a back and forth match, both of us working lapels, (and why didn't I try to sweep him??) he managed to get my left foot. I did my best to climb up (the right thing to do) and roll over (apparently the wrong thing) then I banged the mat more in frustration than an actual tap and that's all she wrote.

(I'm not a very strong guy; in fact, when I roll I try not to exert my strength. Is this a mistake? Should be trying to exert as much energy as possible??)

There was one more match. It gets its own post.

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