Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Less than 100 Hrs until the Tournament

This was my conditioning workout yesterday, based off a crossfit routine, I amped up:

400 meters (eliptical)
10 dumbell snatch (5 each hand)
10 one arm db swings (ditto)
10 burpees
5 rounds

Later on I took a fitness kickboxing class (I'm trying to cutback on the kickboxing in the lead up to T day) and I ended up doing 20 burpees there.

Conditioning wise I'm taking it easy today. Yesterday ended up being more vigorous than I anticipated. I went to the gym, did a gymnastic warm up, deadlifted 1 rep/7 sets/185 lbs (my max...I know, I know, cut me some slack I'm a little guy). Did some abwork and called it a session. Got a protein shake. I've been making friends with a couple of the guys who work behind the shake counter. The bright eyed dirty blond kid used to do Tae Kwon Do and is always interested in my martial exploits. Strikes me as a good guy, has even finger wagged me about my pinkie toe.

What does tonight's session have in store for me? Monday we ran a gauntlet, and if the past is present, we'll run one tonight, although I don't know how wise that is close to T-day. Heck one poor bastard dislocated his toe; he was lucky enough to have it pop back on its own.

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