Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I did two smaller crossfit style workouts: 150 Med Ball tosses for time (back and forth with a friend--yes, I have those) and 150 sumo deadlift squats. I took a bodyflow class, and 30 min of steady state cardio.

And my toe? I keep the waist down activity low impact; nevertheless, the toe remains an x factor. Things appear to be improving and then my little toe GRAZES something and the profanity begins!
Toes, thumbs, fingers, damnation these things take FOREVER to heal.

Oh yeah, the med ball toss (18lbs ball) took us 6:30.

I wanna do some kind of crazy ass sprint routine and then roll for an hour. (The kind that involves kettlebells)

1 comment:

The Survivor said...

hope you are well :)