Monday, May 19, 2008

Non gendered thoughts on the Tourney of the Weird

I got a glimpse--a flash, a cigarette burn-- of the fighter I want to become and the skills I need to hone and, for the first time, a notion of rhythm is starting to form in respect to grappling.

Technqiues to pursue
1. The lunge pin works for me. I believe, seriously, it is a thing I can MASTER.
2. That oompa-like escape from side control Right Wing Sifu showed me works.
3. As always passing the guard is a high priority, as is not getting caught by triangles, etc. (grr)

1. I don't think most Brazilian fighters like standing, I could always hear their coaches telling them to take the fight to the ground. One of my opponents went out his way to avoid my basic judo grip. I need to exploit this. And for the love of God, I need to prevent these fuckers from taking me to guard.
2. Even if I don't think I have a choke cinched in, I need to at least TRY to make it work.
3. In November I compete in more divisions, a take all comers approach.
4. My conditioning has improved, I will continue to work on it. It will be the bedrock of my skill set.

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